What Are Current First-Line CLL Treatment Approaches?

Expert Panel: 

Dr. Erin Parry, Investigator, Hematologic Neoplasia at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Jeff Folloder, Moderator and CLL patient advocate

Our recent CLL Global Research Foundation virtual town hall featured CLL Global President, Dr. William Wierda, and Dr. Erin Parry, an Investigator of Hematologic Neoplasia at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. CLL patient advocate Jeff Folloder moderated the event. Watch the full webinar.


Jeff Folloder:

So, John is interested in current first treatment therapies. He’s had CLL since 2007 and is just now getting close to treatment time. Secondly, what are the treatment sequencing recommendations? Dr. Parry, this one’s for you.

Dr. Erin Parry: 

So, I think as a lot of the people on the call are aware that we have some great approved therapies for CLL and the sort of upfront choice that we discuss with people in general is whether we’re going to go the route of a BTK inhibitor, which is a more continuous therapy for something time-limited like the venetoclax and obinutuzumab as a combination.

A lot of that takes into account the individual patient preferences, and we talk about pros and cons of each approach. We’re in a position where I think we have an excellent choice. I think the other great option that we have to consider is clinical trials.

Sometimes, clinical trials offer an advantage because they’re looking at combinations. You heard about, I think, some of those clinical trials when Dr. Wierda was giving the updates. Those are things that we also present to patients as we often have those available. They may offer an option to get time-limited therapy with a different combination or something that might offer another third option to our approved agents.

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